Musselburgh is a large town in East Lothian and features a range of different styles of urban running which we are sure you will enjoy.
This section of the Musselburgh map has not been used for a large event before and it has been extended specially for the event into newish areas of complex housing with many cut-throughs and open areas.
Orienteers of all abilities are welcome to join us on the day when we will have a range of courses to suit everyone.
We are keeping entries for Sunday morning open until the last minute (while maps last).
- Simple results are here.
- Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
- Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
- British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.
- Scottish Orienteering Urban League
We should like to apologise to those early starters on course 4 who lost some time at #1 due to the incorrect number on the loose control descriptions. We have considered voiding the course or removing the first two legs but having looked at the splits, we think that, with two or three exceptions, there was no significant impact on the results because of any delay you may have experienced. With apologies to those affected, we have left the results as they were at download.
Balgone SNC
Saturday 1 February 2025

A family-friendly event in the afternoon followed by the Scottish Night Championships in the evening.
Balgone is a relatively new area for orienteering in East Lothian and was professionally mapped for us in 2022 – the Scottish Night courses will be using more distant areas of the estate. It is a wooded area with two lochs and plenty of spectacular landscape features.
We are very grateful to James Grant-Suttie and the Balgone Estate for permission to map and use this beautiful area for orienteering.
Families and beginners are welcome to join us during the day when we will have a range of courses to suit everyone. In the evening there is a novice course which is suitable for newish adults. The other courses are open only to more experienced orienteers.
It is possible for adults to complete a day and night double – the orange course in the afternoon followed by a similar course (novice) at twilight. For those coming in the afternoon the cafe will be open before your run (until 3pm selling hot drinks and cakes)
Entries for the Night Championships have now closed but we are keeping entries for the Saturday afternoon open and for the Novice course in the evening until the last minute.
- Simple results are here.
- Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
- Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
- British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.
John Muir Country Park
22nd February 2025

John Muir Country Park is still recovering from Storm Arwen but now that the fallen trees have been cleared, the woodland is starting to recover.
We will also be venturing into the dunes on either side of the protected tidal marsh. These dunes are covered by spiky marram grass with a good path network on the inland side and a visit to coastal Spike Island providing a navigational challenge for the more technical courses.
Read more
CompassSport Trophy
Sunday 23rd Feb 2025

Join ELO or renew your membership for 2025

2025 membership is now open whether you are renewing your membership or joining ELO for the first time. If you pay now you will be a member until the end of 2025.
There are two membership options depending on whether you wish to join British Orienteering as well as Scottish Orienteering and ELO…
Festive Frolic: Vogrie Country Park
28 December 2024

For longer than most of us can remember ELO have put on a fun orienteering event between Christmas and New Year. As well as finding the controls there has been a puzzle to add to the challenge. A mass start, a social gathering and a lively prize giving have made up for a great way to work off some of the Christmas excesses.
This year’s Festive Frolic at Vogrie on Saturday 28th December continued the tradition in grand style. The Score course was a fair test for all and the Rainbow bonus was an extra challenge for anyone with spare energy.
Huge thanks to Sheila and her family for all their work on devising, planning and presenting this special event.
Event Report
What a lovely place Vogrie is! I hope you all enjoyed your visit. Many thanks to the Rangers for giving us permission to hold our event.
Vogrie was closed last Saturday because of high winds so I was greatly relieved that the weather for the event, and for putting out the controls the day before, was very pleasant.
Apologies to those who lost time searching for control 29/189 which was found somewhere near 28/188. It had been moved some time after being checked around 9:30. I can only think that someone from the stables did not like it close to the horse field and hopped over the fence and took it but at least had the decency to dump it where we would find it.
Many thanks to those who helped, including Murray for help in putting out controls; Pete and Jamie on set up and control collection; David and Hanne on control collection; Jonathan on dibber issue and Andrea and Tim on computing. It would not have happened without a huge input from Robin, with additional help in many ways from Kirsten. Santa Panda enjoyed his view of people running hither and thither from his viewpoint between controls 2 and 4.
Thank you to whoever picked up the dropped compass and handed it in at download. The owner is very grateful.
Robin has added the following note about the results:
“There are lies, damned lies and … Festive Frolics results. The version available now has changed from what some of you saw earlier. We have gone through the splits printouts. Some of you missed partial rainbows and some of you claimed rainbows that included a control you had already used in another rainbow (often control 5). Control 30 was missing from your totals (my mistake in programming it). We haven’t verified the songs titles, although whether black is one of the colours of the rainbow is open to debate.
Sorry about the queue to submit your bonus claims. We have already thought about how it could be streamlined for another time (if we ever do it again!!)”
- Simple results are here.
- Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
Butterdean Wood
Saturday 30th November 2024

Many thanks to everyone who came to compete – including familiar faces, comparative newcomers and the cheery Cubs who seemed to enjoy their first taste of orienteering. Thanks also to the very many helpers and particularly to Neil for planning such well-received courses which made the most of the rather restricted area of Butterdean.
Congratulations to Emily Atkinson for the fastest time on Light Green against some very strong competition.
- Simple results are here.
- Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
- Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
- British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.
ELO Club Championships 2024
Saturday 9th November at Vogrie

ELO’s club championships for 2024 were held in combination with Interlopers staging of the Scottish Score Championships at Vogrie on Saturday 9th November. Last year’s overall champions, Joel and Emily Atkinson, were both absent at other events so there was a chance for new names to shine.
Congratulations to all of our ELO champions for the coming year …
- female club champion – Kirsty McArthur – a new champion – with Vik Baillie very close behind
- male club champion – Evgueni Chepelin – a previous champion – with Robin Strain close behind
- junior W14 and M14 – Jonah Henderson
- junior W12 and M12 – no competitiors in this category this year
- junior running Yellow – W10 and M10 – Magnus Madhra with Magnus Baillie close behind
Trophies will be ordered and presented at a future event – hopefully at the Festive Frolic on 28th December which will be held at Vogrie again.
Congratulations also to three club members who became Scottish Score Champions: Felix Remai, Robin Strain and Sheila Strain. Kirsty and Evgueni each came 3rd in their respective categories.
Read morePlanning and Organising in 2025

We are working on an exciting programme of events for 2025 but none of these can happen without planners and organisers!
Don’t worry if you haven’t planned or organised before because you will be able to work with an experienced mentor offering advice and guidance.
In particular we need planners and organisers for these sort of events…
- Larger events attracting orienteers from all over Scotland and the UK:
most suitable for slightly more experienced planners who would like to plan an event with 7 or 8 courses. Organisation has slightly more to do than a Saturday event so we would like to be able to assign 2 organisers (and 2 planners) to each of these events so that there’s not too much for any one person to do. - Monthly Saturday events featuring classic cross country orienteering
suitable for both experienced and newer planners and an ideal introduction to organising an event. - Sprintelopes are lightweight urban orienteering events taking place on Wednesday evenings in spring and early summer
an ideal introduction to planning a low key event with just three courses.
Levenhall Links
Saturday 26th October 2024

Event Report
Thanks for coming along to Levenhall Links and enjoying some autumnal East Lothian sunshine. It was the perfect conditions for some runners courses round the old ash lagoons in Musselburgh.
Many thanks to the volunteers, particularly those who were there at the bitter end collecting controls and to our planner Jeff Hodgson and the organiser Duncan Edmondson!
It was super to have refreshments afterwards and there was a lovely buzz of conversations both before and afterwards. Hopefully all our members who were helping / running in other events across the country this weekend had an equally enjoyable time.
There were a couple of hitches today but we hope they didn’t spoil the day for those affected – runners on Orange and the earliest starters on White. Orange, control number 5 wasn’t correctly located and one of the route choices in appeared to be more runnable on the map than it actually was on the ground. To be able to compare overall Orange course runs more easily we have removed control 5 from the overall results. The route choice analysis on Routegadget still includes this control so you can see how others approached it.
Planner’s Report
- Simple results are here.
- Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
- Winsplits Online gives another way of comparing your times for each leg.
- British Orienteering collect results from all events and publish ranking scores for larger events.