Festive Frolic: Levenhall Links
30 December 2023

Levenhall Links, Musselburgh
For longer than most of us can remember ELO have put on a fun orienteering event between Christmas and New Year. As well as finding the controls there has been a puzzle to add to the challenge. A mass start, a social gathering and a lively prize giving have made up for a great way to work off some of the Christmas excesses.
This year’s Festive Frolic at Levenhall on Saturday 30th December will be fun and challenging.
Orienteers of all abilities are welcome to join us on the day when we will have something to suit everyone.
Planner’s Report
The weather gods were smiling on us this morning! The sunrise around 8:30 when I was arriving at Levenhall was stunning, and although it clouded over a bit, the forecast of howling gales and squalls of rain did not materialise, fortunately, though I did hear that stringing beads onto a wire with very cold hands is rather difficult.
There is no way that I could have got all the controls and activities out by myself so thank you to those who came along early to help: Trina and Neil, Jamie Wilson, all the Atkinson family and Paul Caban. Likewise at the end, people were queuing up to volunteer to help, and everything came in and was packed away speedily. I am worried about naming everyone as I will likely miss someone but Neil and Trina again, Paul Caban again, Pete Younger, Jeff Hodgson, Tim Harding, David and Hanne Robertson, Ryan Scoular and Jonathan Ellis. Kirsten helped in various ways and without Robin’s IT set up it just would not happen. Printed results appeared plenty quickly in order to have a prizegiving before everyone froze.
Someone handed in a £10 note that she had found on the course, and thought it was probably from a competitor. If you think it was yours you can claim it from me otherwise I will put it into a charity – either Mary’s Meals or the Food Bank.
Thank you to everyone who took time to thank me, which makes it all worth while.
Happy New Year to everyone and great running in 2024.
- Simple results are here.
- Routegadget allows you to plot your route, either by hand or by downloading a gpx file from a watch or phone and to look where you and others went.
General Information
Type of event:
Local event to burn off the Christmas calories!
- Levenhall Links is not a technically difficult area, it is a good one for a bit of easy running around
- There are three bird reserves which are out of bounds and are marked on the map in an olive green colour and with black hatchings. Please keep out of these.
Other Users
The area is very well used by the general public including dog walkers and families. Please respect their right to be there at the same time as you are orienteering.
The area is well used by dog walkers so dogs are welcome to come with orienteers.
Despite the huge expense that has gone on to landscape the reserves, and make good cycle paths the toilet situation remains dire. The nearest public toilets are in Shorthope Street in Musselburgh but parking there is a bit of a lottery. Better to stop at Tesco if coming from the west or places like Lidl if coming through Prestonpans.
Many of the controls are on or near footpaths.
Nearest Town: Musselburgh
Grid Ref: NT363733
Nearest Postcode: EH21 7SY
Head past Musselburgh Racecourse towards Prestonpans.
The entrance to the track to the car park is partway between Levenhall and the Prestongrange museum. We will put a sign or a kite at this turning.
Follow the track westwards, it swings left then the entrance to the car park is on the right. The car park is saucer shaped and frequently flooded in the middle so come prepared to step out into the wet.
Public Transport
Lothian buses numbers 26 and 44 all pass close to Musselburgh Racecourse and the area we are visiting. The number 30 and the train station at Wallyford are a short walk/run away as well.
Nearest Defibrillator:
There will be a defibrillator and first aid kit at registration.
Registration & Start Times
Online registration will close at 8 pm on Friday evening to allow time to enter the data into the event file. Hire dibbers can be uplifted at the tent just to the NW of the car park.
Start and Finish:
Start and Finish are close to the car park, on the NW side.
There will be a mass start at 11:00.
Anyone who is uncomfortable with a mass start, should hang back and come to start five minutes later and you will be given a punching start.
Courses Close:
Course closure time will be 12:15.
Entry Charges
Senior (per person): | £8 / £10 |
Junior/Student (per person): | £4 / £5 |
Group or Pair (per team): | £8 / £10 |
The cheaper entry fee is available to SOA members who enter before we order the maps.
Course Information
The map is printed at 1:10,000.
SportIdent (SI) electronic timing will be used – we will have SIcards for hire free of charge but there is a £30 charge if lost. Units will NOT be set for contactless punching (you will find out why when you get the details!), but you may want to punch at more than 30 controls so a smaller capacity dibber may not be sufficient.
60 minute Score course with control sites suitable for all abilities.
There will be 24 controls, each worth 10 points. When you reach the control, punch at the SI unit on the top of the stake in the normal way. At twelve of the controls (the higher numbers) there will be an activity to do, with instructions on a card, and once you have completed the challenge you may then punch in the bigger black SI unit which will be dangling from the stake. (Remember to punch from the top of the unit, it doesn’t work if you come in from underneath). This will give you a total of 20 points. You can skip the challenge after punching the normal unit and come back to it later if you prefer.
One course visiting all the controls has been measured at around 7 km.
Underfoot conditions are mainly good but there are a few muddy and wet bits. The oystercatchers had left their pond and were swimming around in a puddle on the grass not far from start!
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment (RA) has been carried out by the organisers, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
You are advised to wash your hands after finishing your course to avoid the risk of infection and to carefully check for ticks. The full Risk Assessment will be available for inspection at Registration.
Medical Conditions:
If you, or anyone in your group (including juniors), have a medical condition that first-aiders or health professionals should know about in the event of accident or illness during the course of the event please print off the Medical Form, complete it fully and bring it along to the event. You should complete a separate copy for each individual who has a medical condition. Please leave the completed Medical Form at Event Registration. If it is not in a labelled sealed envelope, it will be put in one and will be opened only in an emergency. It will be shredded immediately after the event if you do not claim it back.
When entering our events your name will appear in the results section of this website and may appear in newspaper reports.
We may also take photographs at the event for publicity purposes – please let us know if you do not want us to use your photograph in this way.
Read our privacy policy.
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