Planners and Organisers needed for 2024 events

In 2024 ELO will again offer an ambitious programme of events and activities.
Please let us know if you can help as Planner or Organiser. A few 2024 events already have planners pencilled in but many volunteers are still needed.
Don’t worry if you haven’t planned before because you will work with an experienced mentor offering advice and guidance.
In particular we need planners for some of these events …
- monthly Saturday events – last Saturday of each month – cross country orienteering
- Sprintelopes – Wednesday evenings in is spring and early summer – urban orienteering
The planner is the person who actually decides on the details of the courses – where the controls will be etc.
The organiser is responsible for checking that all the kit arrives and that there are sufficient helpers available on the day.
Sunday 19th November ELO Club Championships 2023- Vogrie Country Park
Saturday 25 November 2023