Barns Ness
Saturday 29 August 2020

It was great to see everyone back to the first post-lockdown event in the East of Scotland. Thank you to the Council Ranger for facilitating this.
Well done to Godfrey for planning the courses and to Colin for helping him put out and collect in the controls.
Everyone seemed to be delighted to be getting the opportunity to be orienteering again although the excuse of “being rusty” was being used to explain the navigational errors!
The splits printer was working to begin with and we don’t know (yet) why it sulked and stopped printing but you can find your splits with the results and laugh at the variously variable times recorded.
Thank you to the Start team – Michael, Ian and Jamie for setting up and running the start and for cleaning all the start equipment and units at the end.
Well done to everyone for participating within the safety guidelines with good humour all round!
Although there are no results on display today and the splits printer refused to work, we hope you found them online. Final versions are now available –
Pre-event Information
Location: Whitesands and Barns Ness
East of Dunbar. NT713773, EH42 1SL
Parking will be at Whitesands. Take the road off the A1087 signposted to the campsite. Keep on past the campsite, heading right past the loch to the parking. Remember to purchase and display a parking ticket.
Courses: White, Yellow, Orange and Light Green
Entry: Due to the need to run the event with minimal risk of infection to competitors and helpers, and to comply with the government’s guidelines issued by sportscotland, everyone must enter in advance, and entry is limited to members and affiliates of ELO.
Details of how to enter have been sent out by email, but if you need more information, contact us here
Start: As Whitesands has been affected by “dirty camping” the orienteering will be at the Barns Ness end where it is cleaner and quieter. The Start will be about 500 metres walk eastwards along the path past the lime kiln and old quarries. Those who do not need to collect a ‘dibber’ can go straight to the Start. The maps will be at the Start.
Start Times will be between 1:30 and 3:00 and you will be allocated to a time slot such that only three households will be in the start area at any time. Anyone who has been shielding or is vulnerable should ask for a time slot limited to their own household group.
Finish: The finish is approx 200m from registration. Please remember to come to download
Results: There are no results on display, but there should be live online results.
Toilets: The toilets at Whitesands should be open.
July & August 2020 SprintELOpe Series Results- Saltoun Big Wood
Saturday 26 September 2020