ELO Club Champions 2021

ELO’s club championships for 2021 were run in combination with the ESOA Championships and SoSOL at Vogrie on 11/12/2021.
Congratulations to all our champions for 2021 …
- Adult Male – Evgueni Chepelin
- Adult Female – Jenny Atkinson
- Junior (Yellow course) – Peter Atkinson
- Junior (Light Green course) – Emily Atkinson
Clearly a very successful day for the Atkinson family but also for Matt Bower and daughter Eleanor who each came second in their adult category.
Adult winners were decided by using the British Orienteering ranking points system. This lets us compare results across all the senior courses.
Junior winners were the fastest club members completing their ‘correct’ courses unaccompanied. Unfortunately this year we did not have any eligible members completing the Orange course for ages up to M12 and W12 (born in 2009 or 2010).
Trophies will be presented at a future club event.
Vogrie Country Park
Saturday 11 December 2021 East of Scotland Championships- Festive Frolic: Levenhall Links
Tuesday 28 December 2021